Complete the new Technology & Business Innovation Park and attract $300,000,000+ in tech investment to Beaumont.
Add a permanent stage to the Beaumont Community Centre in order to facilitate community theatre, music and dance performance.
Create a permanent cenotaph and war monument in the new Centre-Ville Park.
Reduce waste going to the landfill through improvements to organic waste separation.
Create a Beaumont eco-station for hazardous waste including a sanitary waste dump for RV use.
Create a women's shelter in Beaumont to help protect victims of domestic violence.
Reform the Beaumont transit system to improve ridership and reduce costs.
Stop the use of photo radar in Beaumont because it makes no measurable contribution to road traffic safety.
Goals for the next 2 years
Previous Experience
Beaumont resident for 30+ years
IT consultant in database admin and systems analysis for 35+ years
Beaumont Councillor 2017-2018
Beaumont Sub Division Appeal Board - chair
Beaumont Arts Council - member
Beaumont Performing Arts Collective - director
Beaumont Cycling Without Age Chapter - lead pilot
Beaumont Lions - member
Beaumont Drama Society - past president
Edmonton Bicycle Touring Club - member
Walterdale Theatre Associates - member
10:00am - 12:00pm @ A&W Beaumont. Join me for a coffee and a chat.
09:00 - 12:00 @ Starbucks Beaumont. Join me for a coffee and chat.
10:00 am - 8:00 pm Election Day!
Beaumont Community Centre
5204 50 Avenue, Beaumont
I will be attending events in and around Beaumont throughout the campaign. Dates and locations can be found on the left. Feel free to contact me with your thoughts or concerns at:
email: martin.stout@shaw.ca
text: (780) 904 9623